Sunday, October 19, 2008

Administration Point of View

Okay, this post is a little late, but better late than never..

I thought Monday's lecture with the two local administrators was very meaningful. Nothing is better than getting important information right from the source. I very much appreciated the fact that they both were very straigh-forward in their answers. Many times, people like to beat around the bush about answers and point of views that aren't so rosy, but I liked hearing solid, straitforward answers and evidence. I thought their advice was legit, and that it will help future educators like us when we go in for our interviews. Thank you!

1 comment:

Beth Gonia said...


I also thought the lecture offered good information to us as education students. I thought the information the administrators offered was interesting because they offered another viewpoint about NCLB. It was nice to hear that these administrators believed that NCLB would only affect your teaching as much as you wanted it to.